Photos from the Launch of the CD on Centering Prayer, The Welcoming Prayer and Lectio Divina at the Emmaus Retreat Centre.
Sr. Fionnuala Quinn OP, one of the narrators on the CD, addresses the assembled audience at the CD Launch.
Br. Denis Gleeson cfc one of the narrators on the CD addresses the assembled audience at the CD Launch.

Rev’d Robert Lawson – MC at the recent Launch of the CD on Centering Prayer, The Welcoming Prayer and Lectio Divina at the Emmaus Retreat Centre.
Rev’d Garth Bunting – Residential Priest Vicar at Christ Church Cathedral Dublin, Guest Speaker at the CD Launch.
L-R Rev’d Garth Bunting, Sr. Fionnuala Quinn OP and Br. Denis Gleeson cfc
A section of the audience at the recent CD Launch on Centering Prayer, The Welcoming Prayer and Lectio Divina