August e-bulletin
– David Frenette
excerpted from a self-guided e-course about the Heart Intention practice
Q: Our group has been doing a contemplative walk before meetings.
Do you have any information about this practice?
A: Read Leslee’s response here.
You can read the complete e-bulletin at
Alfred Delp, Advent of the Heart, Seasonal Sermons and Prison Writings
We are accountable to everybody else. What you do, I do. What you are doing, your virtue, I can claim. I can also burden you with my vices. Everything is in common.
Thomas Keating, “Redemption,” God is All in All
A free event with meditation sponsored by
World Community for Christian Meditation (WCCM)
November 26, 2023, via Zoom
3:00pm – 5:00pm CET (UTC +1), 9am EST (UTC -5)
use this time zone converter
Fr. Laurence Freeman OSB, says this about the event: “The news and images of human pain created by inhumanity in Gaza and Ukraine understandably outrage, sicken and depress us. But, like the illness of one body when it is undergone in community, the ordeal of these two places – and so many others – can illuminate the One Body we belong to. That becomes the source of hope and of our hunger and thirst for justice and peace.
“Because of the mystery of oneness revealed in suffering, please join me on online on Sunday 26 November. [We] will convene a community of love in solidarity with those desperately struggling in Ukraine and Gaza and also in extreme loneliness on the streets of our cities, in hospitals and prisons. May we celebrate the healing that comes when we see the grace of oneness revealed.”
For more information on the schedule and to register, go here.
You can read this months bulletin at
Tel. 012824085
Contemplative Outreach Dublin
Thomas Keating
“The Present Moment and All That Is”
That We May Be One: Christian Non-Duality
Q: Can I practice Centering Prayer as my main prayer (morning and afternoon) and during the day practice the Jesus prayer? Am I using two practices with different meanings and therefore leading my spiritual path in two directions? I also do Welcoming Prayer during the day. Should I choose between the Welcoming Prayer and the Jesus prayer?
A: Read Leslee’s response here.
You can read the complete bulletin at
Nicholas Roerich, Behest of the Sky, 1915
Thomas Keating
Gifts for Living video excerpt
Q: I’m a practitioner of “A Course in Miracles” and other non-religious pathways. Can I or anyone that is not a traditional Christian practice Centering Prayer? Is Centering Prayer for anyone who has a sincere desire to find God regardless of their tradition or non-tradition?
A: Read Lindsay’s response here.
You can read the complete bulletin at